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Faithfulness to the Great Commission

According to statistics, only 61% of Christians in the United States are engaged in some form of discipleship. However, most of those individuals are the recipients, compared to only 5% of believers who are discipling others. Furthermore, 5% of US churches reported that no one in their church is discipling others.

There are many reasons why this could be happening, but regardless of the reason, the facts are alarming nonetheless. Discipled Church is passionate about changing this. We desire to see believers not only in the US but across the globe actively making disciples and developing a disciple-making culture within their local church expression. Our purpose is to provide the education and the tools necessary to do so.

"Success should be measured not by how many disciples are made, but by how many disciples are making other disciples."
Bill Hull
Discipleship Evangelist, Author

Embracing Our Challenge

The opportunities before the Church today create a series of challenges that we enthusiastically embrace—they are why Discipled Church exists. The following questions define some of those challenges and guide us as we execute our strategy.

If the Church's primary commission is to make disciples, why is it failing to be obedient?
How do we change the culture of the Church to seek reproducibility?
How do we empower the Church to make disciples effectively and in accordance with Scripture?
What tools does the Church need to aid in its commitment to the individual growth of its members?
How do we efficiently track disciple-making models and their effectiveness?
How do we mobilize the laypeople of the Church to reach their communities with the Gospel?

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