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Layman's College

Alignment: Equip

Layman’s College is a learning platform designed for non-professional believers that provides rich, seminary-level curricula without the workload or costs associated with a traditional seminary.

While seminary is the best choice for pastors, missionaries, and other full-time vocational ministers, very few options are available to deepen the learning of laypersons within the Church. Seminary classes often require a large amount of writing and a significant time commitment—neither are commonly available to the traditional churchgoer who maintains a job alongside existing family commitments. Additionally, most basic Master’s studies have a price tag ranging from $20-$30k, with some Master’s of Divinity costing as much as $65k. Unfortunately, due to time limitations, financial constraints, and other competing priorities, deeper theological education is relegated to the clergy and other professional believers.

Layman’s College seeks to change this landscape by offering seminary-level classes with affordable costs and manageable workloads. Additionally, the content is presented at an educational level that is comprehensible to the average churchgoer. Through a subscription, students can enroll in a wide selection of subjects and progress through them at their own pace. There are even free courses, as well. Furthermore, on online community allows students to collaborate and grow with others.

If you are interested in learning more, click the button below or visit laymanscollege.com. If you have other questions or are interested in purchasing bulk seats for your church, contact us.

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"I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible."
D.L. Moody
Evangelist & Publisher