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The POUR Method

Alignment: Equip
Website: pourmethod.com

As one of our Equip initiatives, the POUR Method is a hermeneutical approach to studying the Bible. Based on responsible and mature hermeneutic methods and procedures, the POUR Method teaches individuals how to study the Bible correctly within its proper context.

Applying hermeneutics correctly is a daunting task, which is why there are classes dedicated to the subject. Anyone who has the time and ability to engage in such a class would benefit tremendously. However, we understand that not everyone has the time or desire to do so. Therefore, we set out to create a process to simply hermeneutics for the average person. We wanted to create a Bible study method simple enough for anyone to understand and implement. While getting started can be a little overwhelming at first, and there is still some time commitment required, the method is designed to be simple to grasp within a short period of time.

The POUR Method was launched in late 2023, and since then, we have already received fantastic responses from users of all ages—youth to adults. If you are interested in learning more, click the button below or visit pourmethod.com. If you are interested in offering training at your church, reach out.

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"We are dealing with God's thoughts: we are obligated to take the greatest pains to understand them truly and to explain them clearly."
D.A. Carson
Bible Scholar

Lack of Resources

Due to financial constraints or geography, much of the Church lacks access to the seemingly endless Bible study resources that fill bookstores today. Additionally, these resources can often be a crutch, if not a complete hindrance altogether, to the perspicuity of Scripture. In a society that has almost unlimited resources, we often forget that the early Church solely relied on the revelation of God’s Word by the Holy Spirit.

Our desire is to properly equip believers with the ability to, once again, engage and rightly interpret Scripture regardless of auxiliary resources or geography. We hope to see believers worldwide learn and apply God’s Word correctly.

Safeguarding Against False Doctrine

Our churches today have been infiltrated with false teaching and erroneous doctrine. Platforms like YouTube offer access to interpretations of Scripture that are alarming, if not shameful. Believers, themselves, possess little understanding in how to articulate their faith, much less other Biblical truths. Often, they simply don’t know where to start.

Unless taught how to learn the Bible on their own, believers will always be relying on outside influencers. The POUR Method is intended to teach followers of Jesus how to accurately study the Word so that they will know the truth and can rebuke false doctrine.