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Discipled Church is led by a group of individuals who are passionate about Jesus Christ and making disciples globally. Our leaders share a rich and diverse background from corporate and vocational roles, and they bring multiple levels of experience, perspectives, and business acumen to the table. Our goal is to seek wise and faithful leadership to ensure that this ministry operates in a way that honors and glorifies God and so that Discipled Church is obedient in fulfilling its mission.

"Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve."
John Stott
Priest and Theologian

Joshua Davis

President & Founder

For over three decades, Joshua has engaged in various facets of technology and bi-vocational ministry. Throughout this time, one fundamental driver has always been to leverage technology to advance the Gospel.

As an entrepreneur with 30+ years of experience in enterprise IT, Joshua has previously built three consulting firms focused on enterprise infrastructure and application development for on-premises and cloud environments. Joshua has extensive experience working with global companies on complex distributed workloads.

Executive Board of Directors

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Chandler Delmas

Sr. Product Marketing Manager


Jackson McReynolds

VP Business Development and Business Strategy

AGL Technology

David Roberts

VP Technology & Compliance

AOC Connect

Scott Shuford

Scott Shuford

Chief Engagement Officer

FrontGate Media

Alan Slater

Alan Slater

Strategic Channels Director


Advisory Council

Discipled Church has established a council of advisors comprised of pastors and other ministry leaders to ensure that our content is theologically sound and that our tools and platforms remain relevant to the evolving needs of the local church globally.

Current members of our advisory council are listed below (alphabetically by last name).

Mitchell Dean
East Alabama Area Director
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Cornelius Fisher
Adult Pastor
Cross Church

Matt Hulgan
Associate Director
Bible Training Center for Pastors

Adam Howell
Asst. Professor, Old Testament Interpretation
Boyce College

Gary McCabe
Pastor of Family Ministries & Mobilization
Oak Ridge Church