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Website Refresh

April 3, 2024

Since the beginning of 2024, we’ve been hard at work evangelizing the ministry and sharing our story with so many amazing people. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. However, one of the concerned feedbacks we received was that our then-current website simply did not share enough about our ministry. Folks felt that much of our work and effort was not communicated well.

We took this feedback and submitted it to prayer. While the site made sense to us, we knew that we wanted people to see what we were doing and desire to be a part of it. Additionally, we wanted God to receive as much praise and glory for this work as possible, but when the message is hidden, it’s hard for others to join in the joy.

A few weeks ago, our board came together and committed to praying for our message, our marketing, and how we present ourselves to others. We desired to bring clarity to our purpose and activity. The result of those prayers is a new website that we believe gives a lot more insight to who we are, our purpose, and our activities.

Same Commitment

While the website has changed, our mission and vision have not. We are still committed to building disciples via education and technology. We are still developing learning content; we are still advancing the Kingdom through innovative solutions. We believe and hope that the changes, however, better reflect all that God is doing in and through Discipled Church, and we are excited to bring you along in this journey.

Should you have any questions, or if you’d like to connect further, please contact us. We would be delighted to hear from you.