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Undivided is a Bible study podcast hosted by Joshua Davis. It is Joshua’s goal in every episode to go deeper than one typically would for uncovering richer meanings and acquiring a greater understanding of God’s word. Joshua has a love for “chewing” on verses through in-depth exposition to reveal application across multiple areas of our lives.

The Psalmist writes, ”Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (86:11)

Undivided exists to encourage and challenge believers to a deeper knowledge of God’s word for the very purpose of walking in its truth through passionate discipleship. The aim is, through the lenses of God’s word, we are able to identify and remove anything from our lives that competes with our allegiance to God so that we can experience the fullness of walking with him in our lives.

Culture and our environments in constant flux. God’s word and its truth, however, never changes, and neither should our hearts.

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