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Joshua Davis

Irony of Pride

Followers of Jesus can be just as susceptible to pride as anyone else, and that pride can wreak havoc on our lives and the Church. The passage in Isaiah serves as a warning to all not to allow the gifts of God and our accomplishments to create a prideful spirit within us.

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Joshua Davis

Listening for the Whisper

We often look for God in the most supernatural events. We often expect him to show up with pomp and splendor. However, we must also grow accustomed to listening for him in the quiet, still times of our lives.

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Joshua Davis

Delayed to Galilee

When was the last time that you witnessed a miracle in your life? What was the last promise God told you? Why has it possibly been so long? Perhaps you’re in the wrong place.

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Joshua Davis

Sadness to Peace

There is a type of sadness that can produce peace in a believer. It’s a sadness that is produced when they examine their life in the light of God’s Word. This godly sorry produces repentance that leads to rest.

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Joshua Davis

The Will of the Father

In the latter portion of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus differentiates between those who are his true disciples and those who would attempt to enter Heaven based on their good works. But, there’s a difference between good works and the Father’s will.

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Joshua Davis

What Lies Behind

In his letter to the church of Philippi, however, Paul challenges them to regard their past differently. Paul urges his readers to forget their past—all of it. His encouragement even includes those things done for the sake of the gospel.

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Joshua Davis

More to Come

In Revelation 6, Jesus comforts those who have been martyred for their faith as he opens the fifth seal. As they ask him to judge their enemies and avenge their deaths, he comforts them and tells them to wait a little longer as there are more to come.

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Joshua Davis

Make Every Effort

Peter mentions seven attributes, in addition to faith, in which believers must constantly grow. Additionally, these qualities should not be pursued half-heartedly, casually, or nonchalantly. Their obtainment must be conducted with all diligence.

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Joshua Davis

Faith Over Might

Our physical strength isn’t the only thing God is interested in. He is also concerned with developing our level of trust in Him, and He’ll work to build our faith.

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Joshua Davis

Slipping Back

One of the greatest beliefs that a Christian can have it thinking that they are immune to sin. Instead, Christ offers us so much more. Not only has he redeemed us from sin’s effects, but He has set us free from sin altogether.

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Joshua Davis

What Impact?

If your local church ceased to exist, would anyone notice? What is the impact that your local church is having on the community?

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Joshua Davis

Power to Serve

Many of us hold up verses like Acts 1:8 as a banner over our evangelism efforts. While it speaks to our ability to evangelize, sharing the Gospel is not its primary lesson.

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