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Disruptive Discipleship

All innovation introduces a disruption in its marketplace.

Jesus Christ established a model for discipleship two thousand years ago—life on life among people. That model has not changed nor are we advocating that it should. Disciples are truly only made in an intimate community with other believers. However, for all its practices and methods in which the Church has attempted to make disciples otherwise, it still follows antiquated measurements and procedures for gauging its growth and effectiveness. Those measurements are based on very faulty indicators such as membership statistics and financial giving.

One thing that drives our initiatives is challenging the status quo when it comes to disciple cultivation and maturity. We look for innovation in discipleship—not changing the model or the heart of discipleship, but rather examining how we honor the Great Commission and measure the quality of our obedience. These fresh perspectives cause us to look at discipleship differently. We measure the success and faithfulness of the local church through the quality it produces rather than quantity of its attendance and annual budgets. We challenge the integration process for the equipping and engaging of the saints for the work of the ministry, and we attempt to present new ways to make that process more efficient. Our desire is that through this different lens and with God’s grace and guidance, we can develop fresh approaches to build strong and faithful disciples in the Church. We have collected some of our thoughts below.

"Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought of."
Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi
Biochemist, Nobel Prize Recipient


The way churches measure growth may not be revealing the right insights. Tracking antiquated metrics may give us a false sense of growth and success. We may do well to consider a different approach.
March 20, 2023

4 Responses
Picture of Joshua Davis
Joshua Davis
While discipleship hasn’t changed in two millennia (nor should it), the process and tools we use to track growth have also not progressed. We simply assume that everyone is growing. I no longer choose to be that naive.
March 18, 2023

4 Responses
Picture of Joshua Davis
Joshua Davis
Reading The Lean Startup by Eric Ries got me thinking about how we measure the discipleship growth and performance process. Can we optimize it? We can improve (simplify, expedite, enhance) the way disciples are made within the local church?
March 17, 2023

2 Responses