Some things should change; some should not. In the 2,000 years of the church, have we focused on changing the wrong things? We’ve updated our liturgy, worship styles, and qualifications for church leadership. We’ve even updated the Gospel itself in hopes of making it more relevant and palatable to our listeners (not that I agree with this in the slightest). But, one thing we’ve updated very little is discipleship, specifically the process of creating and developing disciples.

In many cases, we’ve eliminated any real requirements for discipleship. Many have deemed discipleship as being too “costly” (to use the word of both Christ and Bonhoeffer). Therefore, we reduce its necessity in a believer’s life or remove it altogether.

What if the issue isn’t the relevance of worship styles or the Gospel message? What if the problem is how we do discipleship? What if we changed our thought process for cultivating disciples?

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from the old ones.

What if we looked at discipleship radically differently? Does the discipleship process need a reboot? Instead of long, drawn-out classes, what about short life experiences of learning and applying? Can we accelerate discipleship—its depth and impact?

A lot of questions without answers, but the wheels in my mind are spinning.