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What Lies Behind

In his letter to the church of Philippi, however, Paul challenges them to regard their past differently. Paul urges his readers to forget their past—all of it. His encouragement even includes those things done for the sake of the gospel.

More to Come

In Revelation 6, Jesus comforts those who have been martyred for their faith as he opens the fifth seal. As they ask him to judge their enemies and avenge their deaths, he comforts them and tells them to wait a little longer as there is more to come.

Make Every Effort

Peter mentions seven attributes, in addition to faith, in which believers must constantly grow. Additionally, these qualities should not be pursued half-heartedly, casually, or nonchalantly. Their attainment must be conducted with all diligence.

Psalm 25:1-21, With Life Itself

What is the one thing you value most and what would it cost for you to give it away? Furthermore, and most importantly, how much do you trust God? In this episode, we examine what matters most to David and why he was able to trust God with it. We also briefly discuss a few different types of people based on their level of trust in God and how valuable they consider their own lives.

Pursue – FCA Camp 2021 – Lake Junaluska

In this episode, Joshua Davis speaks to students at an FCA Leadership Camp at Lake Junaluska, NC. The camp theme this year was Pursue based on 1 Timothy 6:11. In this message, Joshua speaks to the students about pursuing the abundant life Christ has promised to believers and what that means.

Proverbs 17:3, Part 2: Removing the Tarnish

God refines and purifies areas of our lives as he separates us from the world. Yet, as we live our lives, we may find the world still leaving its mark. Our continuous sin in this world tarnishes that which God has once refined and can be difficult to remove. What’s worse is our sin interferes with our ability to reflect the glory of God. In this podcast, we discuss the elements of tarnish and how it affects us and those around us. After all, sin is not just an individualist concept but can also have communal effects. Furthermore, we explore the practice of diligently removing the tarnish so that our demonstration of God’s glory is not hindered.

Proverbs 17:3, Part 1: Testing of the Heart

It’s very easy to gloss over Proverbs 17:3 as we immediately recollect the refining process with which we seem so familiar. However, refinement isn’t easy–it takes time. In this episode, we examine the actual refinement process and attempt to apply it to the spiritual refining work that God does in us.